I'd like to think that people have been logging in to check to see if I've updated this here blog and day after day they are disappointed to see that once again I failed to post an update. Then they wonder "Man, I hope everything is okay. Maybe they're just busy." I don't know that this has really happened but I'd like to think that the few readers we do have are eager for our updates. So, some may be wondering "Where the heck have you been?"
Well....Four Mamas, Twelve Kiddos, Three Strollers and a lot of patience took a trip to the Children's Museum.
There really isn't a better way to spend a cold Sunday afternoon. The twelve kiddos ranged in age from one to sixteen. It was so neat seeing each child enjoy different aspects of this museum. We even went back in time for a moment.
And of course my little diva had to take a walk on the runway.
Well, sort of....I had to have a little talk with her about how to be a lady.
So, that's what we have been doing for the past two weeks, chillin' at the museum. Ha! Just kidding. This is what we have been doing for the past week....
Yep, that's right, sickness struck the Bethel household. And it struck hard. All three of us were down. Good times. Good times.
I learned how tough it is to take care of a one year old while all I felt like doing was crawling up into a ball, under the covers, in our bed and sleeping for several days in a row. Somehow I managed, with the help of Ryan. We definitely were a team this past week. We wouldn't have made it through without each other. After a visit to Dr. Pap we are on the mend. And someone has learned where her belly is.
She is such a hoot. Her vocabulary has also expanded recently. She currently says: Dada, Papaw, Pap, Nana, Banana, Di-dah (bath), Du-lu-lu (Logan), bad (while pointing her finger at your face), juice and cheese. She also does sign language to tell you when she wants more or if she wants milk. Notice that Mama has been dropped from her vocabulary.
My blogging has also been put on the back burner due to my sudden infatuation with solitaire on my phone. I'm completely addicted and play until my left arm falls asleep from being bent while holding up my phone. Yes, I have a problem.
Madison is constantly changing, saying more words, spitting out more babbles, adding new facial expressions, it's always something. She recently has stunned us by taking her own little butt to bed. All we have to say is Madison do you want to go night-night. She pops up and says night-night and toddles back to her room. She stands at her bed and waits for us to put her in. She amazes us daily. Tonight I caught that cute little butt up in the air while she tried to retrieve a pacifier from under her bed so she could go night-night.
Saturday is a special day for us. A mark of something big. More to come.