Monday, August 23, 2010

Goodbye Friend

There is no way to say this other then simply stating, Marvin is gone.  Yes, you read it correctly, Marvin is gone.  Tears are streaming down my face as I type.  I'm like the little girl who lost her first puppy sitting on the front porch crying.  Only, I'm not little, I'm an adult, Marvin isn't a puppy, he's an adult too and I'm on the couch.  So, maybe it isn't like that at all.  Anyway, we are no longer pet owners.


I acquired Marvin from the breeder when I moved back to Indiana from Florida.  I wanted a pet because I lived on my own and I had never had a pet before.  I told Ryan I was going to get a cat.  He said no cats are stupid.  I guess I would kind of have to agree with him there.  That is when I found my first puppy, Marvin.


I didn't have the first clue as to how to raise a puppy or care for one but I figured it out.  Marvin quickly grew into a loving dog.  He was the best cuddle pup around.  He loved taking naps and we were always impressed by his ability at finding the most comfortable spot in the house. 



The tough decision to get rid of Marvin was made because Marvin shed.  He shed a lot.  This had always been a problem for me.  Had I known anything about dogs I wouldn't have gotten a dog that shed so profusely.  However, I did and I fell in love with a shedder.  I put up with it for 6 1/2 years because Marvin was my baby.  Only now my other baby is crawling and is acquiring fur when she should not have fur.  We wanted Maddie to be able to crawl around in her own home.  The decision was tough and took many months for us to finally act on it but it is for the best.


Marvin was my first dog and I'm really going to miss.  We are all going to miss him.  Goodbye friend.  I love you!


1 comment:

Meme and Papaw said...

Yes Marvin will be missed by all of us. There is a bright side to this Kimberly your swiffer cost will go down. You & Ryan have always made good decisions so don't second guess yourself. Love ya!

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