Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Sunday evening Ryan was watching golf and I was surfing the web for new project ideas. It's not that I need to start another project it's just I had nothing else to do or wanted to do for that matter. I shut the laptop and announced to Ryan that I was bored. He laughed at me. Madison was taking a nap and had been asleep for about an hour and a half and wasn't stirring as if she might wake soon. She was on her belly and her legs were tucked tightly underneath her which forced that tiny butt in the air. I asked Ryan what we did before Maddie and he replied with this. This is what we did before we had her, he watched golf and I did my thing. Well, this sucks.


When Madison was born, I will never forget something my father-in-law said to me. He said Maddie lives in your world, you do not live in hers. I love this and will consistently keep this piece of advice replaying in my head. So far, I think we have held true and she's fit right in with whatever we are doing or wherever we are going. Although on Sunday, I wanted to be in her world and I wanted her world to wake up. Wake up I say, Mama is bored, Mama wants to play with you.


Our lives have changed. We have changed. It's not that we have changed who we are, it's that we have evolved into different people. We have been enhanced by the addition of our daughter.


Ryan said the other day that he loves Madison more and more everyday. I couldn't agree with you more Babe.


1 comment:

gayla said...

We have watched her maddie o personality bloom and have loved her more and more everyday! She is as precious as her parents! Kimberly your true calling has to be teaching little ones...you are terrific with them. Keep your relationship strong and she will benefit!!
LOve Ya!

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