Sunday, September 11, 2011

Looking Back

Every American remembers exactly where they were on this day ten years ago. September 11, 2001 is day that will forever be etched in our memories and our hearts

On this day, ten years ago, I was home, here in Greenwood, Indiana. I woke up bright and early that day because I had to board a plane to get back to school. I was in my Junior year of college at Florida Gulf Coast University. I came up to Indiana to visit Ryan and this time I was taking my niece, Brooke, back with me so she could visit my parents. At the time, she was four. Ryan took Brooke and I to the airport. Where I told him to just drop us off at the curb, that we would be fine. I checked us in for our flight to Ft. Myers, got our boarding passes and started for the gate. I stopped in a shop to buy a pack of gum for the take off and the landing. As I stood there, buying a pack of Juicy Fruit, I saw it on the television that hung over the cashier's head. A plane had just struck tower one of The World Trade Center. Even though I saw what had just happened on the television, it never occurred to me the magnitude of the event that just took place

My generation had never been through war, never witnessed historical events that my parents or grandparents had. We'd never witnessed anything of this great proportion. Therefore, it just didn't click with me that America had been attacked by terrorists. Brooke and I boarded our flight, which was scheduled to depart on time. Once taking our assigned seats we learned that a second plane had hit tower two. It still didn't sink in that America was under attack

The fight attendant was so kind and help me keep my niece comfortable with juice and snacks. After an hour of sitting in on the plane waiting for take off, we were told that we would have to get off because it looks like we might be delayed another hour. The airport was crowded with travelers left in shock and filled with questions. We were told hour after hour that we would be taking off shortly. Obviously, that didn't happen until several days later.

I don't know how much Brooke remembers about that day but I know that I was grateful that I had her with me. It was comforting to have someone I loved with me while we experienced this horrible tragedy. I've counted our blessings time and time again that our flight was scheduled for take off when it was and not a moment earlier because who knows where we might have ended up

In the hours I have spent in front of TV today, I've learned things about that day that I never knew and I've seen photos and videos that leave an imprint of the devastation.

This was the biggest event in the history of my generation and I sure to hope that it is the last.

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