Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Little Opportunity

Here I sit, listing to the hum of the air conditioning and the hustle and bustle of my husband packing. Ryan is getting ready to embark on a ten day work trip. Although the trip will be exciting and memorable for him, we sure are going to miss him. Ryan does so much in the way of helping around the house, playing with Madison while I cook dinner, getting her ready for bed, etc. I'm totally dreading the next week and a half. My partner, my comrade, my number two is going to be gone

Meanwhile, it dawned on me, because my thoughts are in a million different places at all times, I never shared our exciting news. Little miss Madison has booked her first modeling opportunity. Let me back it up a bit and explain. I purchased the dressed featured here online from Hot Tots Boutique. She's just a mama who likes to make pillowcase dresses. Photobucket

Well, she sent out an "all call" email to all of her past clients because she has started a new line of clothing, Lillian Grace Originals. She asked for models who were good in front of the camera. Maddie Cakes has had a camera perched in front of her face since day one. So, after getting the approval from Ryan I submitted the following picture for consideration.


Within a few weeks we learned that Madison had been picked as one of their models. Her shoot will take place on September 24th at 6:30 pm on a farm in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Needless to say, we've got a little road tip ahead of us. I'm assuming the photographs will be used for the future Lillian Grace website and to promote the new line of clothing. For Madison's participation we will receive the outfit that was handmade specifically for her and photographs from the photographer. We are super excited and we're anxious to see how our little gal will do in front of a professional lens.

Gotta go now to spend some time with the hubby before his departure so goodnight!

1 comment:

Sarah Boggs said...

OMG that is so exciting. Watch the movie Elizabethtown before going, lol. I actually went through there when I was driving out to Denver (by sheer accident). I was super excited.

Anyhow, let us know how her first shoot goes. I love LOVE LOVE the photo of her in the dress with her hand up in the air. She's so adorable. Hope Ryan has a safe trip. I miss u lots and lots. Love ya bunches and bunches.


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