Friday, April 20, 2012

A Short Story and A Sweet Painting

Tonight I painted. Tonight I helped a cause. Tonight was awesome.

Let me begin with a little story.....

Several years ago a man named Lance Lewis was diagnosed with a disease that affected his lungs. He was placed on the organ donation list. I learned about Lance through a girlfriend at work. Lance is her father-in-law. She often spoke of his condition, his current physical state and his struggles to get through daily life.

One year ago Lance received the call that he had been waiting ten years to get. It was his doctor and he informed Lance that they had a pair of lungs ready for him. The family gathered together quickly and met Lance at the hospital. It all happened so fast. He was taken back into surgery where a miracle was performed. My girlfriend and her family sat anxiously in the waiting room of the hospital waiting to hear updates of Lance's surgery. While waiting a television played in the background with the local news reporting on the death of Officer David Moore. Office Moore was on duty with the Indianapolis Metro Police department when he was shot. Officer Moore's life was ended from the wounds he sustained. The newscasters were reporting that Officer Moore was an organ donor and his organs had been harvested and were on their way to their recipients.

It was then that the family started to wonder if Lance was receiving the officer's lungs. Their curiosity was confirmed a few months later when Lance received a letter from Officer Moore's parents. They felt the need to reach out to the recipients of their son's organs. The two families met and a beautiful friendship began.

Today Lance is doing phenomenal. His lungs are performing better than anyone imagined and he's doing things that he never thought he'd be able to do again. He's now able to live the life that he always wanted to live but just wasn't physically able to do.

Tonight I had the pleasure of meeting Lance for the first time. I attended a fundraising event that benefited the Fraternal Order of Police. The fundraiser was to help raise money to send Lance and his wife to Washington D.C. where Officer Moore's heroism will be honored. Tonight's event was put on by a local company called "Wine and Canvas". Simply stated, we drank wine and painted a picture.


Never in my life have I painted on canvas. I was extremely nervous and after our first stroke of our paintbrush the instructor announced "If that made you nervous then you better start drinking." Laughter and chugs followed. I must say that painting this picture was one of the most enjoyable things that I have done in a long time.


Not only was a I helping a friend's family but I stepped out of my comfort zone which I don't often do. Yes, the wine helped but sitting there painting was fun, relaxing and very enjoyable. I can honestly say that I like my painting and it might actually get hung inside our house as opposed to the garage. Which was were it was going to go if I found that I wasn't as artistic as I believed I was.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Wind Down

Returning home from vacation is always bittersweet. I love my home and although this sounds completely insane to some people, I miss my home while I'm away. I miss the comforts we have, the ease of Madison having everything she needs and the freedom to do as we please. Don't get me wrong, I completely love a good vacation too. It is so nice and refreshing to get away from the pressures and routines of everyday life. It's nice to lounge back by the pool, watching my little girl, book in one hand and a cocktail in another and not giving one ounce of care that it's only ten thirty in the morning because we're on vacation.



This past week we relaxed beach and poolside with my sister and her family and my parents. Madison took to the water like a puppy to a bone. She loved every ounce of the water and one would have thought she had been swimming all winter long. She got right in and started kicking around.



Our brave little bee did have to be reeled in by daddy a few times. She'd yell back at us and say "I no come back. I swimming."



We even had some daredevils in the bunch that took to the friendly skies. I preferred the safety of the boat with camera in hand.



Madison enjoyed having her very own puppet for the entire week, her Meme. Sorry Mom but it's can't deny it. I laid on the beach towel while I watched my daughter tell my mother exactly how to build her sand castle. She told her where to place every single mold. Frankly it was awesome. I think we're molding her into a leader.


She's gonna be a boss and kind of is already.


One of the best things about vacation is the family bed. All three of us snuggled up in a king size bed. The only king size bed that I had to strip down, completely nude and roll all over to claim before my bother-in-law snagged it up. Just kidding, I didn't have to drop trou but I was ready to do what needed to be done to claim the giant bed. It was a major luxury for us and a far cry from what seems to be so tiny queen size bed at home.


I loved watching Madison crash hard every night. No naps all week, playing as hard as she could all day while holding it together. Yes, she crashed hard in that king size bed.


Each morning we would wake up with new drawings, artwork and sayings made from seaweed displayed on the sandy beach. It's your call on this one.....bug or butt?


Speaking of butt....someones was hanging out all week. While this may not be so cute once she gets a few more years on her, it sure is cute now. Let me correct myself, this will not be cute in a few years and if she even tries it girlfriend will be wearing a burka to the beach.



I greatly enjoy vacationing with my family. We have fun and share lots of laughs especially while watching old movies and hearing my ten year old nephew saying "Wow Kim!" at my moving making abilities when I was his age. Let me just say I was good or creative. However you want to look at it. I did however become concerned when everyday single day, no joke, every single day, someone said to Ryan "Hey, you married her." I began to take this as a compliment. My family members saying "Ryan, you are one lucky gent to be married to one witty, girly, friendly, passionate gal." Always trying to find the good....that's me.


I also learned exactly where Madison learned her "Cheese!" face side of the family. Her fashion sense, not sure where it came from just yet but definitely not from my dad.  Nice shirt, Dad!


This vacation will be one of those that is remembered years from now. The road trip was nice and easy. The food that we ate was always delicious. The long island ice teas in Alabama are rather tasty as well. The bathrooms are small in the seafood shacks especially when your niece is crammed in there with you. And lastly, the company was delightful.



Upon coming home, we celebrated Easter by attending church in the morning.


Our gal kept her Easter dress cool by wearing her jean jacket. She's a little fashionista I tell ya.


Church was followed by brunch and then an egg hunt in our yard.



The Easter bunny also hopped by to drop Madison off a surprise. I've got to tell you, the Easter bunny around here is a bad ass. He brought her a kitchen for outside! Holla!

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