Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Post for My Dad

Last night over dinner, my sister told me that my dad asked if I was still alive because I hadn't updated the blog in a while. Then this morning I received a short email from my father stating that he is forgetting what Ryan, Madison and I look like but no pressure to update the blog. So sorry Daddy.

I wish I had a lot to report on or some big event that has been going on but I've got nothing. Nothing super, great, nor fantastic has been going on. Just our daily lives. So, for you Daddy and for the others that also take interest in our lives, this is what's been going on with us. Warning: It's not much.


Our little artist is still painting away. At least she's discovered that she doesn't have to paint in the nude now. Painting fully clothed also creates a gorgeous picture.


Our gal paints everyday. No joke, everyday. We have an abundance of pictures that all look very similar but for some reason I have this guilt over throwing any of them away.



We watch the moon from the kitchen window.



We still enjoy enjoy ice cream on cold winter nights.




And we still wear our sunglasses to block the rays bouncing off of the snow. Yes, they are on upside down but girlfriend still rocked them out.


Dental hygene is a top priority.



We took a little trip to Bounce Spot where Madison bounced, climbed and flipped for three solid hours.







We've also enjoyed a little cousin time.





And of course, we're loving this face.


That's all I've got for now. See, I told you it wasn't much but we'll try to get some excitement going here soon for you.

Lot's of love!

1 comment:

Meme and Papaw said...

Thank you, it was great seeing all three of our Grandkids. We also like seeing all four of our big kids too. Love you all.

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